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When The Speedometre Stops Working: Causes And Fixes

A speedometre is a device that monitors and displays a vehicle’s instantaneous speed. It’s commonly used in conjunction with an odometre, which keeps track of a car’s distance traveled. There is always an issue somewhere with this instrument when it stops working. This fault is often linked to a perpetrator. We’ll take a look at them and propose some easy solutions.

In most vehicles, speedometers are either manual or digital, but the issues are the same. Broken speedometer gear systems, a defective speed sensor, and a faulty Engine Control Unit (ECU) are all common causes of speedometer failure. But the most common of the three is the speedometre sensor. We will focus more on this because 90 percent of speedometre failure is from here.

Where is the speedometre sensor located?

The speedometer sensor is located in your vehicle’s transmission and is used to determine the rotational speed of the driveshaft. The sensor transmits this data to the vehicle’s computer through the speedometer cable, which translates electrical pulses into numerical speed. That number eventually appears on the speedometer and informs you exactly how fast you’re going. The speedometer would be unreliable if the speedometer sensor is not working properly.

Location of a bad speedometre sensor

Signs of a bad Speedometre

  • Speedometre display does not work
  • Cruise control does not work
  • Check Engine Light comes on
  • Vehicle loses power

As all of the parts and components in a car are subject to wear and tear. The most successful way to address this issue is to replace the speedometre sensor. We have mechanics on ground who can assist you in removing and replacing a new speedometre sensor as well as determining whether there are any other potential causes. Please fill out the form HERE and you will be contacted within 24 hours.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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