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Common Car Suspension Problems

The main goal of your car’s suspension system is to level out the ride and assist you in maintaining control of your vehicle. It accomplishes this by increasing the amount of friction between the road and your tyres. This gives your vehicle more steering stability and makes it easier to drive. It also reduces the impact of bad weather on you, your vehicle, and your passengers. So when suspension issues come up, these are often the common culprits.

Before looking into suspension problems, we have to know what parts of a car constitutes the suspension system.

  • The Chassis is what holds the cab or the body of the car together in place.
  • Shock absorbers, Springs, and Struts help to sustain the weight of your car and absorb excess energy from road shocks.
  • Anti-sway bar helps to shift the car’s wheel movement and stabilize it.

Often times suspension problems come with noise from beneath the car and can lead to severe damage and increase risk of getting into an accident while driving if not addressed.

Signs of a possible suspension problem

Your car pulls to one side when you are driving An underinflated tyre or uneven tyre pressure might cause this problem. It could, however, be a symptom of a suspension issue. Begin by inspecting your tyres and inflating those that appear to be underinflated. If this does not resolve the issue, you should get your car’s suspension checked or schedule an appointment with one of our techinicans HERE. Don’t keep driving your automobile and putting up with the pulling if you don’t have to. It could be an alignment issue or a problem with your brake caliper, even if the suspension and tyres aren’t to blame. Both of these problems might reduce your gas mileage and lead to uneven tyre wear.

You feel every bump on the road You may have an issue with your car’s shocks and struts if your rides are harsher than usual. They’re probably worn out and should be replaced. One way for sure to ascertain if you have bad shocks or struts is to try the “bounce test” to see if the suspension is the source of the problem. After you’ve parked your car, place all of your weight on the front end. Release the brakes and watch how your car reacts. If it bounces back and forth more than three times, the shocks and/or struts are in need of replacement.

Bad Shock

One side of your car sits lower than the other When your car is on level ground, have a look at it. If one of the corners is lower than the others, you probably have a broken spring or shock, and your suspension is out of alignment. When you drive over bumps and your spring is damaged, you may hear a clunking sound. Pressing down on the trunk of your car is one way to test the springs. When you let go, pay attention to how the suspension responds to the pressure. If you hear any squealing or creaking, this is further evidence that the problem is caused by a suspension issue.

Bad Strut

Difficulty in steering If you’re having trouble steering, especially when going slowly, your suspension could be to blame and if you find that your steering is slipping when you turn the wheel or hold it in a turned position, you should have your suspension checked as soon as possible. Other concerns, such as low power steering fluid or a leaking power steering rack, could be the source of the problem. However, it’s still a good idea to have everything tested to rule out any suspension issues.

Your tyre threads are uneven A good way to identify a suspension issue is to look at your tyre threads. If the threads on the tyres are unevenly worn, it means that the suspension isn’t holding your car properly and is putting uneven pressure on the tyres.

Oily shocks Your shocks should be clean and dry, but if they appear greasy or oily, then they are likely leaking. This means it’s time to replace your shocks with new ones.

Do you hear noise from underneath your car but not sure what it is coming from? Make an appointment HERE and we will check it for you.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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  1. It was informative that one sign of a suspension issue is when the car pulls to one side while driving. My brother mentioned experiencing this last night while he was driving home. He thought it was weird because it never happened before. It’s good to learn about this early on so we can take it to the professional for a checkup.

  2. My sister pointed out earlier this week that one side of the car seems lower than the other, and she found it hard to reach for the backseat. I thought this was unlikely until I came across this article and learned that this is a possible suspension issue. As you mentioned, if one side is lower than the others, then it might be because there is a broken spring or the suspension is out of alignment.

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