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Beware of “One-Chance” Robbers: Stay Safe on Nigerian Roads

Although driving on Nigerian roads might be exciting, there are risks involved as well. One of the most well-known dangers is the “One-Chance” robbery, a deadly and crafty crime that preys on gullible commuters. In this article, we’ll examine the many strategies employed by these thieves and offer helpful advice on how to prevent falling for their scams.

Understanding “One-Chance” Robbery

The phrase “one-chance” refers to a type of robbery that takes place in both private and public vehicles. These criminals work by seducing people into getting into their cars, usually during rush hour when they are rushing to get somewhere. Once inside, the thieves utilize force and physical harm to rob their victims of their goods.

Common Tactics Used by “One-Chance” Robbers

  1. Fake Public Transport: Robbers employ busses or cars that imitate genuine commercial vehicles to pass for authorized public transportation providers. They pick up people from roadside locations or bus stops.
  2. Friendly Strangers: Sometimes, especially if you’re lost or in a hurry, a stranger who seems kind will offer to give you a ride. Once inside, things get dangerous very soon.
  3. Rush Hour Traps: These thieves frequently operate during rush hour, when individuals are eager to go home or to work. They may blend in and find victims more easily in the congested conditions.
  4. Strategic Seating: Gang members arrange themselves inside the car to isolate the victim, which makes it simpler to subdue and rob them.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Use Registered Transport Services: Select reliable and certified transport services at all times. Steer clear of cars without the required license or documentation.
  2. Stay Alert: Keep an eye on the people and environment around you. Whenever something doesn’t feel right, follow your gut and stay away from the car.
  3. Travel in Groups: When you can, go on trips with friends or coworkers. Numbers offer security.
  4. Avoid Late-Night Rides: Traveling late at night or at odd hours is best avoided when these criminals are most active.
  5. Share Your Location: When taking public transportation, use your phone to share your current location with a family member or trusted friend.

Have you or someone you know ever been in a “One-Chance” predicament? Please leave your comments below with your experiences and advice. Together, let’s maintain the safety of our roads!

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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